What's in my diaper bag for 2 babies under 2 (newborn edition)

What's in my diaper bag for 2 babies under 2 (newborn edition)

I have a 3 month old and 19 month old babies at home. The first time I had a baby, I took her out for her first trip to Chadstone mall at 6 weeks old. The drive took 45 minutes one way, and we were planning to spend the day there. It only took an entire night of planning and half the nursery for us to make the journey! 

Fast forward 16 months and 2 children later, my diaper bag is on the lighter side compared to before. Depending on the length of the trip, I can pack either a small bag of A4 size or my standard diaper bag. 

For short trips to the supermarket or coffee (less than 2 hours) - A4 size bag

I do both direct latch and bottle-feeding (expressed breast milk) with my newborn. For short trips, I usually head out after she's fed so it's one less thing to worry about. Otherwise, I'll bring a small bottle of expressed breast milk for emergency. 

Newborn (4-5 items):

1x cloth nappy

2x pacifiers

1x burp cloth

1x swaddle blanket (hanging on the pram)

1 bottle of expressed breast milk (depending if she needs to feed when we're out) + 1 small flask of hot water (if you're formula feeding, you can just substitute the EBM with formula powder in the bottle. Just add water when you're ready to make the feed)

Toddler (3 items):

1x cloth nappy

1x snack (Bubs Organic Little Fingers Tomato is her favourite)

1x water bottle (sippy cup)

Joint use (3 items):

1x wet wipes (we use biodegradable ones from Tooshies by Tom)

1x biodegradable change mat 

1x wet bag

For longer day trips (3 - 6 hours) - standard diaper bag 


4 x disposable eco diapers (we use Eco by Naty)

2x pacifiers

3x burp cloths

2x outfit changes

1x swaddle blanket (for nursing cover and blanket)

For longer trips, I will usually nurse baby in parents room or in the car depending where we will be. For formula babies (my firstborn was formula fed), bring 3 pre-sterilised bottles, pre-packed formula feeds and a thermos of warm boiled water.


3x nappies

2x outfit changes

2x snacks (Bubs Organic Little Fingers Tomato and Little Bellies Organic Animal Biscuits)

1x fruit (either banana or blueberries)

1x water bottle (sippy cup)

1x bib

1x cutlery set

Joint use:

1x wet wipes (we use biodegradable ones from Tooshies by Tom)

2x biodegradable change mat 

1x nappy cream


For those who are travelling soon, check out our step-by-step guide on how to travel with baby. If you enjoyed reading our post, subscribe to our newsletter and join our mama tribe!


Sophia Anderson

Sophia Anderson said:

I find this list very helpful, thenx!

Recycling Tech

Recycling Tech said:

https://diaperrecycling.technology is a technology company solely focused on advanced diaper recycling solutions. Our technology is used within hygiene plants (Adult-Baby-Fem) to reclaim pulp & SAP from rejected products.

AHP Recycling

AHP Recycling said:

https://diaperrecycling.technology recycling machines solve the separation of bio waste such as human excretion that come together with soiled diapers and recovers the plastics, pulp, SAP and compost.

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